Midi Translator Applescript to Safari

I’m working on using the Bome MIDI Translator Pro to click through a website. The AppleScript looks right but I keep getting this error ever time I test:

I have enabled the ‘Allow Javascript from Apple Events’ in Safari and Bome has full disk access. This is a copy of the script:

tell application ‘Safari’
do JavaScript ‘document.getElementsByClassName(“LiveController-action LiveController-action–next”, 0)[0].click();’ in document 1
end tell

It appears that Apple is ever increasingly making it more difficult to give permissions. If the script runs outside of Bome MIDI Translator but not with Bome MIDI Translator, you could look at this post which shows a procedure that was used in the past to deal with Bome Permission on AppleScript.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz