My setup is getting more complicated. I'm sure I will improve on this as time goes on. I digress.
1 - I am going to do more using MIDI Program Changes to activate certain Presets. And then run the translators in said Presets. I believe the manual says Bome is event driven. Is an event 'always' required to cause Bome to process something?
2 - What is the order of operations?
-event happens
-run first preset with checkmark
-run translators in preset with checkmarks
-run remaining events with checkmarks
-run translators in preset(s) with checkmarks
Whether or not an action occurs depends on the content of the translator(s)?
3 - Can/how do I control the order in which things happen in Bome.
4 - When do I start worrying about latency. I realize that's a broad question. I just want to know what type/quantity of activities are most likely to add latency. Perhaps I am worrying about nothing.
5 - If latency is an issue, am I better off having Bome open a different project file as opposed to creating a large number of presets?