MIDI Translator Pro not executing AppleScript on OSX 14.7

Attempting to port some AppleScripts from OSCulator over to MIDI Translator Pro. The scripts execute in OSCulator and Script Editor, but not when using the test button within Bome MTP. I have Full Disk Access and Developer Tools turned on form MTP in Privacy&Security. What am I missing to get this fine product to talk to the rest of the system?

The problem seems independent of the code content, but for reference, the script text is:
set apiURL to ‘

do shell script "curl " & quoted form of apiURL

Thank you.

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

I’m pretty sure this is an Apple permissions think. I suggest you review this thread.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you - I tried the steps in that thread and received the following error in Terminal after asserting the sudo sqlite3 command sequence:

Error: in prepare, table access has 17 columns but 13 values were supplied

l know that’s more of an Apple support issue than Bome, but I welcome any insight you can provide. Is this perhaps an OS version issue?

Thank you.



It is probably a misplaced comma, double quote or single quote in your command line.