New at Bomebox would like to control SQ6 faders with Avid S1

Hi jake,
I’ve programmed quite a lot to control my SQ via an icon Platform M+.
Here you can find a thread:

I’ve you would like, I can upload my newest MTP file for the BomeBox, with one feature i like the most:
Completly free assignment of any possible parameters to the faders of the icon Platfrom without computer!
So i can control the sendlevels of different mixes groups or matrizes for any channel or whatever…

It’s quite simple:
By changing the desired parameter on the SQ, the Faderwind receives the associated midi address, and then this address is assigned to any fader (or encoder) via key-combinations (“setup-menu”).

So the layout is extremly free.
There is only one major disadvantage: The Bomebox cannot stor parameters permanently, so if I loose power, I’ve to programm the 8 Faders and 8 encoders again.

But in your case, maybe you’d like to programm a fixed “never chaning” layout for you controller.
I use it in live situations mostly to control the different effekt Send’s of different channels or groups…
Or the Output matrizes…

Give a shout, if you need some help!
best greetings,

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