Port routing question

I use Bome Midi Translator Pro on Windows.
My goal is to capture midi signals that are goiung between midiSuite app and SMC midi controller by midi port. And i cant understand how to achieve that. It might be a simple question… but not for me(((

So, midiSuite app has no option to define midi port, this app just asks all the ports in system with midiSysex message. And connects to the port that replies right.

So if i am starting to listen to SMC midi port (on which the app should connect to) in Bome - the port becomes busy and app can’t send the message to that port.

If i route from virtual to SMC - then SMC can receive message that the app sends to virtual. And then SMC replies on same port. And if i route from SMC to virtual i will get loop feedback… and it is very bad for the controller…

So the connection between the app and SMC is next:

i might create virtual port (VSMC) for the app to connect and then create virtual IN port (VIN )and virtual OUT port (VOUT) and route them next way:
APP > VSMC > VOUT but if i put >SMC here i will get feedback(loopback)…

and i just can’t figure out what i need to do…

i just need the APP and SMC controller co communicate and see what messages they send to each other…



On Windows machines, only the first port that accesses a given port will be able to communicate with the port, so you must have Bome Network open first before your open your app. The app will not have access to the SMC port because Bome Network will be holding it open, but you should be able to see the VMSC port. The routing should be as follows. If any other app has opened the VMSC port, of course, your app will not be able to use it.


Your app should be able to access VMSC.

-Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

I suppose that are no such difference in using Bome translator or Bome network, right?

Yes, I see that if the port is busy by the application - three is now way to connect to it and to monitor.

I have tried the connection that you suggest as:
And in this case I am facing with the loop.
Message goes from SMC to VSMC, then from VSMC to SMC, and then to VSMC, sand so on…

here is a screenshot


Are you using Bome Network ‘Unlimited Named MIDI Ports’? This is the routing I was talking about and would need to be done there. Unlimited Named MIDI ports are quite different than Bome MIDI Translator Virtual Ports.

If you are using loopMIDI or loopBE instead, it might be acheivable but since these are loop back ports you might need twice as many of them to make it work.

In the Bome Network MIDI router it would look like this.

Your app would then need to connect to VSMC.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you, I will try.
I used Bome translator with loopMidi virtual ports.

If you are using Bome MIDI Translator instead of Bome Network, you can do this. Just make sure Bome MIDI Translator is connected to your SMC first so that it will have exclusive access.

Then your application would be talking via the BMT 1 port virtual port.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Wow!! You are my hero!!!
I have used your setup:
Using Bome virtual ports instead of loopMidi causes no loopfeedback!!
And I can see all the data going through!!!


Thank you very much!)))

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so… i have purchased Bome Network - and the connection you have suggestd causes loopback…

This type of connection? that you have suggested -
A > B
B > A
reasonably should have fedback.

My investigation have next results:
loopMidi ports in Bome Translator - loopback
Bome Translator ports in Bome Translator - no loopback
Bome Network ports in Bome network - connection cant be established
Bome Network Ports in Bome Translator - dont work at all…

So there definetely is an issue.
I supposed that Bome ports should work better than loopMidi, but Bome translator can create ports with name, so i bought Bome Network with Unlimiter Named Vitrual ports… and i dont work…
i will recoed a video about this soon


Unlike loopMIDI ports, when Bome Unlimited named ports are created, it only creates end points. To make them behave like a loopMIDI port you need to tie them together using the Bome Network MIDI router as shown in the earlier posting on this thread.

This posting explains in more detail, how they work.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Tried that - connection can’t be established.
Lighting icon lies on the route in app UI.

OK, will need to see some screen shots.

Hi! Here is a looong video about port issues.
In short:
My aim is to use virtual port between SMC bluetooth controller and the app in both ways using single virtual port.

And the main issue is that the routing made in Bome midi translator Pro with ports from Bome Network acrually dont work… like:
is now working at all…
It works with Bome Translator Pro ports… but not with Bome Network… Why?? I have purchased Bome Network to have unlimited named ports… but it seems like they can only be used in Bome Network…(((

in that video i have tried to do that about 3 times…
Thank you for your time!!
Waiting for you responce!!!

The link for Midi Routing Techiques in Bome Network is GREAT!!)


If you want to do translations without using Bome Network

MT-Pro routing

SMC-Pad-Bt ->App
App → SMC-Pad-Bt

App would be aliases dot BNT 1 and then use BMT 1 for port selection in Traktor.

Bome Network routing

No routing or name ports required.

If translations with named MIDI ports

In Bome Network

Create a virtual port ‘BN TRAKTOR’
Create a virtual port ‘BN MT Pro’

Then also in Bome Network, Set routes as follows


Then in MT Pro set routes as follows

SMC-Pad-Bt → BN MT Pro
BN MT Pro → SMC-Pad-Bt

So the full routes would be

SMC-Pad-PT->BN MT Pro → BN TRAKTOR - Application
Application → BN TRAKTOR → BN MT Pro → SMC-Pad-Bt

TRAKTOR would be set to used BN TRAKTOR in both directions

I would not use loopMIDI ports anywhere as they tend to confuse things and require more ports (pipes) . There is no need for V SMC IN and V SMC OUT. They are both replaced by BN MT Pro. If you want to remove V SMC IN and V SMC OUT from loopMIDI. then you could just use V SMC instead of BN MT Pro in Bome Network.

If you only want to route ports with no translation

Just use Bome Network with routes as follows


TRAKTOR would be set to used BN TRAKTOR in both directions

I hope this helps.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Thank you I will try that.
So you suggest:

Bone Network - create two virtual ports, connect them.
Bome translator - route from physical to vitrual.

And I supposed that:
Bome Network - create one virtual.
Bome translator - route from physical to virtual.

But why there is a need of creating two virtual ports in Bome Network and connect them? It would be much easier to do it my way… But it just don’t work my way…

And as I see, the ports created in:
Bime translator
Bome Network

Differs. I can understand why loopMidi differs from Bome, but why Bome ports doffer from Network to Translator? Are they created with different driver? And why routing in Bome translator from physical to Bome network virtual port is not working in my case?

Also I see that there is a huge update coming to windows midi. With new drivers, features and the support of midi 2.0

Here is a link to discord:

Does Bome midi port drivers has any of settings? Like loopMidi can set speed and buffer…

Also, can you please suggest the substitution for rtpMidi in windows to connect windows 11 to android via wifi?
Cuz rtpMidi lose some packages in my scenarios and I don’t know why…

Well In Bome MIDI Translator Pro , BMT 1 is actually 2 ports, one for in and one for out.
To do the same thing in Bome Network, you need to create a pipe in each direction which essentially what a given BMT port is.

To do anything with Bome Network, you need to create routes as otherwise, they are just endpoints to nowhere. You need make the 2 ins and 2 outs to link the endpoints together.

For loopMIDI they are already endpoints with one input and one output. For both directions, that is why you need 2 loopMIDI ports, each with a different name.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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Wow!!! That’s the greatest explanation!!!
Thank you!!!))

I can use a single port in loopMidi actually and it works, but it creates a loop(feed)back. I have shown that in a video.