I use Bome Midi Translator Pro on Windows.
My goal is to capture midi signals that are goiung between midiSuite app and SMC midi controller by midi port. And i cant understand how to achieve that. It might be a simple question… but not for me(((
So, midiSuite app has no option to define midi port, this app just asks all the ports in system with midiSysex message. And connects to the port that replies right.
So if i am starting to listen to SMC midi port (on which the app should connect to) in Bome - the port becomes busy and app can’t send the message to that port.
If i route from virtual to SMC - then SMC can receive message that the app sends to virtual. And then SMC replies on same port. And if i route from SMC to virtual i will get loop feedback… and it is very bad for the controller…
So the connection between the app and SMC is next:
i might create virtual port (VSMC) for the app to connect and then create virtual IN port (VIN )and virtual OUT port (VOUT) and route them next way:
APP > VSMC > VOUT but if i put >SMC here i will get feedback(loopback)…
and i just can’t figure out what i need to do…
i just need the APP and SMC controller co communicate and see what messages they send to each other…