Qq= multiple output

I remember there is a rule operator that allows for a list. Can’t find it now.
Something like qq=(1-4). So qq would output 1,2,3,4 (all four numbers).

I wonder if I can do a preset activate translator, output by number as qq.
And in the rules have this multiple numbers list. So if qq=(50-55) then all those presets would be activated with that one translator.

You need to use a timer. See the attached example.
Note 0 iterates through the ‘Enable’ timer, enabling/activating presets 1-5.
Note 1 iterates through the ‘Disable’ timer, disabling/deactivating presets 1-5
I use the global variable gc for the counter. If the presets are not in sequence you could use the variable gc and map it to the desired preset number you want to disable instead of just using the original value of pp.

preset-list-enable-disable-by-number.bmtp (1.8 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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Ok. I put the variable in the translator that triggers the timer.
So I put od=78, the first one that will be deactivated.
I put the timer to repeat 24 times. Then in the preset deactivate translator, the pp=od. od=od-1.
So presets 78 to 54 are deactivated with that. I just have to make my math right.

Well I guess this works. A couple translators is better than like 20.
The deactivate preset menu should have checkboxes to have multiples affected with one translator.

I guess this could be a feature request.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
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10 posts were split to a new topic: MIDI Translator Pro Feature Requests