Software fault

Hi our Bome midi software is failing and not sending out midi commands from pro presenter. We didn’t change anything. it just randomly stopped working. It looks like the midi is turning red and not green. Was there a software update or something recently that could be causing the error>


I’m sorry you are having problems!
Is it correct to assume you are using Bome Network? If not, please let me know.
We are not aware of any issues in the software, stability is the core priority. And also we don’t automatically push updates, so that could not be the problem, either.

Maybe the Bome Network routing definitions files have changed for some (outside) reason. This link tells you were they are kept on both Windows and Mac platforms. There are several backup copies of Bome Network kept so you can then shut down Bome Network and then save a backup copy of the file to the filename BomeNet.bmts and then restart Bome Network.

If that doesn’t fix it, then maybe you can tell me the MIDI ports and routing and other demographics of your system and I can help you re-establish the correct routing. I would need to know.

The sending application and what computer name it is on and what MIDI output ports it sends on.
The receiving application and what computer name it is on and what MIDI inputs it receives on.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Yes I believe we are. We have Bome network going from the software and opted in vista. We use apples midi network to connect our pro presenter computer to our lighting computer. I will try to restart the software once we are done with our service today and make a backup as well.


If you are using Bome Network Pro then you shouldn’t also be using Apple’s MIDI network. I assume you should have the following configuratin

Vista Running on Windows → Bome MIDI Translator Pro → Bome Network → Pro Presenter Running on Mac.

Or if you are not using Bome Network

Vista Running on Windows → Bome MIDI Translator Pro → rtpMIDI (Apple MIDI Network) → Pro Presenter Running on Mac.

Whichever you have, we would need to figure out where the MIDI stream is stopping or misdirected.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

yeah we are doing the sound offer. Is there a benefit by running Bome network verses apple midi network? We also have all Macs for vista and pro presenter.

Most users find the automatic network connections setup of Bome Network much easier then Apple RTP MIDI. Bome Network does not need a different ‘session’ for each attached MIDI port and also, it by default, it automatically discovers other computers that are on the same network.

You can read more about Bome Network here. You would need Bome Network Pro license to communicate between computers. The (free) non-pro version connects between computers and BomeBox only.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Ok sounds good thanks ill have to look into that if I can’t get it fixed with the apple network. I would need to download Bome midi to the pro presenter computer too for it to work right?

Bome Network would need to all ‘in scope’ computers. Bome MIDI Translator Pro can be on any computer in the chain. I usually put it on the sending computer.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Ok we have Bome Translator Pro on the same computer that has our lighting computer.

This is till not working? We did change the networking to Bome but on out it turns light blue and the in it turns red. What could be the problem?

I’m not sure I understand which light you are talking about.
When you send MIDI messages from Vista, are you getting any activity in Bome MIDI Translator on the Pro-Presenter computer?

I assume this is the path you have set up. If not, let me know.

Vista on Mac-Vista->Bome Network->Mac-ProPresenter->Bome MIDI Translator Pro->Pro-Presenter on Mac-ProPresenter.

If the above is the case, I would first check Bome MIDI Translator Pro for activity by opening the Log file there. If you are getting nothing there. Please send screenshot of:

  1. Vista MIDI Output Configuration
  2. Bome MIDI Translator Pro MIDI configuration
  3. Pro-Presenter MIDI configuration
  • Vista output should be set up to go to the name of your Pro-Presenter computer
  • Bome MIDI Translator Pro Input should be input of you Vista Computer and output should be a virtual port like ‘BMT 1’
  • Pro-Presenter input should match output of Bome MIDI Translator Pro

Could you also show configuration of Bome Network on each computer? Exampled

This is my main configuration screen on my Gaming Computer and I send to my computer names ‘Steve-MINI’


This is the a screenshot of my MIDI that receives from Steve-Gaming.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

This is our computer running Propresenter. Network seems to be connected fine because it’s sending a message to the translator. I need to go on the other computer so I will send screen shots here in a sec

I Have attached screen shots of the translator and vista midi

But yes when I click a slide I am getting a light blue on the midi out and a red on the midi in.

Can you show the log window in Bome MIDI Translator Pro ?

Check, Incoming, Outgoing, MIDI-IN and MIDI OUT.

Then send something from Vista so we can see it and post it here. Also please post your project file so I can compare with the log and see if it appears to be working correctly.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

This is what it looks like when I click a slide

any idea on what it should be?

Hi, instead of the event window open the Log Window.
