Toggle led on a roland f 100 mkii foot controller

Hi, make sure you are directing the MIDI traffic exactly from the MIDI in ports ans MIDI out ports you want and nowhere else It appears you are sending CC change back to both your F-100 (iRig Pro I/O MIDI OUT) and to your application (Bome MIDI Translator Virtual 1 Out). Also your loopMIDI port.

See this tutorial on the use of aliases.
See also this tutorial on how to direct MIDI traffic.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Good morning Steve. I made some progress and view your appreciated links… I send you my try file to program the dumb…If you look at translator 12 and 13 it is an attempt to toggle led of a pedal at the same time i send a control change using the same raw sysex input event address… Each translator works by itself but when i select the both together only one is doing the translation… Curiously the same process works well with program change in the other translator… Sorry to disturb you and thanks for your light…

FC100-Sysex-Pedal-dumb2022-09-21.bmtp (6.6 KB)
… Thanks for your reply…


First of all, you have all MIDI in ports going to all MIDI out ports. Each message type will need to be directed to a different port. In the attached examples, because the preset is set for input of FC-100 and output of application, the CC message will only go to the application.

In the second translator, I overrode the destination to send the Sys-EX message by to the FC100

Now the second issue is that the FC-100 requires a bit map for devices so I had to bitmap ga to the 8 pedals. The first 4 bits are mapped to pedals 1-4 and the Sys-Ex address is 0x24. The second 4 bits are mapped to pedals 5-8 and the Sys-EX address is 0x25. I have to use several rules for evaluation and doing the correct mapping. Instead of toggling the entire value of ga, I only toggle the proper bit which is done in translator 0.0

We then evaluate the incoming message in translator 0.1 to determine which address to send to and we send information on all 4 bits for that address.

For bit mapping reference, you can look at this post.

Give it a try. Again, I have no way to test (except on paper).

FC100-Sysex-Pedal-2022-09-22.bmtp (2.9 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Thank you very much Steve for all the efforts and the solution provided … You are a great pedagogue and programmer … I hope one day to succeed in understanding all this as well as you … For the moment I develop my logic on the functioning of the midi translation using my intuition …Bome translator is awesome and it’s a whole new world for me… And a language that I hope to master up to the results I am trying to achieve… Thank you for your time and expertise… Have nice day !

Thank you for the kind words! Should I assume it is working for you? If so, could you please mark the thread as resolved. I’m sure other users that are interested in Sys-Ex programming may also find this thread useful.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

hello Steve hope you have a good morning… I am trying to understand the program you sent to me…
i succeeded to make it works, (thanks alot again)… NOw as a good student i want to follow each step one by one… Beginning with

For F0 41 00 29 12 pp qq rr F7 (pedal 5 pp=12 if i am not wrong cc#4)

The code…
// pp is the petal number (0x0d - 0x15)
// in latch mode
// qq is the pedal state 0=off 0x7f is on
// rr is the checksum

// Make it CC0-CC7
pp=pp - 14
// Now pp will be 0-7
if pp<4 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action (Ionly use pedal 5 to 8 to toggle the effect…)
if pp>7 then exit rules, skip Outgoing Action


If pp=12 in pp=pp-14 pp= -2 How can it exit in the outgoing with pp=4

ex: 1407: OUT 0.16 Control Change on ch. 1 with CC#:pp=4 and value:qq=0

THanks !

// pp is the petal number (0x0d - 0x15)
// in latch mode
// qq is the pedal state 0=off 0x7f is on
// rr is the checksum

// Make it CC0-CC7
pp=pp - 14
// Now pp will be 0-7
// This will only trigger if pp==4 (pedal 5 is pressed)
if pp!=4 then exit rules skip outgoing action

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

ok thanks for the ! hint…

If pp=12 in pp=pp-14 mean pp= -2 so How can it exit in the outgoing as pp=4
i can’t link the result…

For pedal number 4 the original input value should be shown as 17 or 0x11 so when you subtract 14 from that, the the pp value should end up as 3 not -2.

If I remember (not looking at the manual)Pedals are:

0x0e -14 - Pedal 1
0x0f -15 - Pedal 2
0x10- 16 - Pedal 3
0x11- 17 - Pedal 4
0x12 - 18 - Pedal 5
0x13 - 19 - Pedal 6
0x14- 20 - Pedal 7
0x15 -21 - Pedal 8

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

sorry for the beginner error… I simply omitted to convert the hexadecimal value to decimal to perform the Operation…

hi steve hope you feel good… I want to toggle between 2 preset with the control pedal…The program
works but j have to press the pedal twice each time to induce the preset toggle . Even if i use the two state of the pedal in the following program… Have you an idea to resolve this… regards…

FC100-Sysex-Pedal-bitmap-2022-09-28.bmtp (6.0 KB)

0x0E to 0x15 is for latch mode. Try 0x16 to 0x1d instead.

Maybe you are trying to to get both the pedal and MT Pro to perform the latch.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

HI Steve !
have you ever had a case where mt pro did not pass the midi information to the target software…
with the foot controller in midi mode the commands pass to the software (amplitube) the presets change…when I am in sysex mode the commands and translations go to the output in midi, but are not directed to the program (Amplitube)…

: MIDI IN [iRig PRO I/O MIDI IN]: F0 41 00 29 12 0F 00 71 F7
2: MIDI OUT [iRig PRO I/O MIDI OUT]: C0 01
3: MIDI OUT [iRig PRO I/O MIDI OUT]: C0 01
4: MIDI OUT [iRig PRO I/O MIDI OUT]: F0 41 00 29 12 26 02 71 F7
5: MIDI OUT [iRig PRO I/O MIDI OUT]: F0 41 00 29 12 26 02 71 F7

Ihave tried many test reintalling each program …Trying some tranlation program who was working before but same results…
Thanks for your hint…

Hi, if your MIDI in matches a translator, then the path will match the incoming and outgoing ports set at the project level, preset level or translator level. Preset level overrides project level and translator level overrides both preset and project level. See this tutorial.

If your MIDI does not match a translator it will follow the path designated by drawing a line from the designated input port to the output port in the MIDI router.

If your matching translator does not have the swallow option set, the MIDI will also follow the path designated in the MIDI router.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

HI Steve …i am a little at the end of the solution … I tried several project configurations without success…
with the foot controller in midi mode the commands pass to the software (amplitube) the presets change…when I am in sysex mode the commands and translations go to the output in midi, but are not directed to the program (Amplitube)… At project level i set input and output to irig Midi out and in…Other level preset and translator are set to program by default and nothing swallowed… unfortunately that change nothing…Thanks good evening…

FC100-Sysex-Pedal-bitmap-2022-09-29(-1).bmtp (10.4 KB)

What MIDI port are you monitoring with Amplitude? You will need to set up a virtual port for Amplitude and send the CC and PC commands there. Maybe use BMT 2.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hi, since we are talking routing only at this point, I removed the bank toggle preset and split your translators into 2 presets. The first preset is from your footpedal back to your footpedal. Routing is set at the preset level.

The second preset is from your footpedal to Amplitude (an alias for your chosen Virtual MIDI port.

This concept of device selection is discussed in more detail in this tutorial.

As mentioned in the tutorial, I tend to like to manage port selection at the preset level as doing so at the translator level takes more time (more translators than presets).

As far as switching banks with presets, you might need to enable and disable more presets at a time since you will need a preset for feedback and a preset for sending to amplitude. For this reason, I would rather handle bank selection by a global variable rather than switching presets. For insance, global variabe g0 for bank 0 g1 for bank 1 and then put in rules the condition on whether you are on the right bank.

// if not bank 0 we will skip this translator
if gb!=0 then exit rules, skip outgoing action

FC100-Sysex-Pedal-bitmap-2022-10-01-sjc.bmtp (5.2 KB)

Here is how I set my aliases for testing. I’m using SendSX to send the Sys-Ex messages.


Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Good morning Steve…Thank you for sharing your programming tips, it is appreciate and it will be very useful to me… For the moment I am still at the same point, the translation does not pass to amplitube … I tried your examples without success…even reprogramming a translator from the scratch… I wonder if the problem would not come from the system files of windows…It should not be so complicated… I am border line to format my pc and réinstall all the stuff just to see… But this is a little bit drastic… Maybe a corrupt system file… How to know… yet it worked so well…I had some problem saving a project with BMt before the problems started. The saved files did not reopen as I had saved them… Now it’s ok but with the problem you know… Have a nice day !!

The issue would not be in your system files. Maybe an issue with Amplitude. If you could capture a log of your activity and post it, I can take a closer look. I’m sure it is a routing problem somewhere or perhaps you don’t have Amplitude set up for reading the right MIDI port. Are you using Amplitude as stand-alone or as a VST plugin?


i Steve… I’am using amplitube as stand alone…and you know what ??? i finally succeed to make it communicate… as usual you were totally right… I had two options for setting up midi entry in amplitube… I rig pro midi in or bome midi translator… I chosed bome midi tanslator1 in the amplitube project defaut midi port and in Mtpro I chosed I rig pro i/o midi in as entry and Bome midi translator 1 virtual out as output…I cannot explain to myself how I was able to miss this solution. I’ve tried so many combinations… The solution was in front of my eyes and I didn’t see it… Now I will be able to concentrate on paufining the translations… thanks again for all the support provided !!! you are my savior !!