Wolfmix and APC mini mk2 - LED Feedback

Hi, sorry for my expression, I’m new here. I bought MTP and the Bome Box to map the DMX controller Wolfmix W1 mk2 with Akai APC mini mk2. That works well, but I wanted to transfer the LED behavior from the DMX controller sycron to the APC. In short, when I press a button on the APC or W1 active, the other active button should stop (flashing). If possible, the active button should flash.
The colors should look like in the project.
I also have a template of the LED matrix. How do I go about implementing this?
Project Wolfmix.bmtp (2.0 KB)

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

They key question here is whether Wolfmix sends any MIDI when accessing it directly. We would need to see what messages it sends out and determine how to process these messages in BomeBox to reflect the LED behavior on your APC-MINI MKII.

If you open the log window in Bome MIDI Translator Pro and click the MIDI In check box, you should be able to access function on Wolfmix and see what it sends.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hello Steve. Thanks for the quick response.
I pressed 5 buttons and received the following response from Wolfmix, see the picture

What picture?

Sorry, here it is .

So it looks like by default, the MIDI message going back is the same that your APC MINI MK2 sends. Is only one button on your APC-MINI supposed to flash at a given time and the others as used as startup colors?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Yes exactly, I just want to know which key is active, the others can light up permanently to know where I have saved something

OK, so I mad a few changes.

I renamed your first preset ‘Init’ and created a method where either opening the project or sending a keystroke Control(Right) will trigger the initial LED refresh.

I added a second preset that only listens to Wolfmix for incoming triggers and send output only to your APC MINI

I put the timer translator in that preset since you only want to be sending notes to your APC-40 for LED refresh

I added a note-on translator that will take the incoming note and update either global variable g0 (for first 32 notes) or global variable g1( for last 32 notes). The global variables will control a bitmap of which note was pushed after clearing all notes.

In your timer, I look at the bitmap to determine which note I want to modify for MIDI CH 8 for flashing the LED. All other channels will send the default channel of 7. I set the local variable vv for the desired outgoing channel.

Here are the rules that I added.

// Look for bit set
// determine global variable to use
if tt>31 then rr=g1
else rr=g0
// Mod operator
// put pit into first position
// mask all other bits
// set desired outgoing MIDI channel
if uu==1 then vv=7
else vv=6

Here is the project file.

Project Wolfmix-sjc.bmtp (3.6 KB)

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Wow, Steve, that’s exactly what I wanted. And it works great.
One more thing, where do I set the blink rate on channel 15-14 for a gentle frequency?
Thanks in advance for your help

Hi Steve. I figured it out. Thanks again for your help. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. :grinning:


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Hello Steve.
I would like to ask you for advice again.
I have reduced the blinking frequency but it doesn’t go off completely (0>127, 127<0) so it’s hard to notice it.
How/where can I do that?

The blinking frequency is controlled by the MIDI controller internally based on the incoming MIDI channel. The note number only represents the color.

Any other blinking method we would have to have another periodic timer control it within Bome using solid colors with the controller.

See this posting,

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Too bad.
Would it be possible to assign a different color to this flashing LED? ( Red )
I have to recognize the active button otherwise I’ll get confused with the operation

Add this as the last rule on translator 1.2

// Color
if uu==1 then qq=72

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz

Hi, thanks for the tip. I added the sentence and now I have a clean blinking frequency. Just as I wanted -
Thank you.

// Color
if uu==1 then qq=72
if qq==72 then vv=15

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