Crash when selecting KN MIDI Port on macOS

Hi Florian,

The dual monitor crash is solved in this beta version.

I found another problem when selecting different Midi ouput, KN 1000 iRig MIDI 2, it crashes.

Kind regards,

Hi Theo, good and bad news! Could you please send me the crash dump?
Please see here how to retrieve it:


Hi Florian,

Attached you will find 2 dump files, one for MacOS 14.0 and one for 14.1.

Good lucking solving the problem.

Kind regards,


(Attachment MIDITranslatorPro-2023-10-25-195023.ips is missing)

(Attachment MIDITranslatorPro-2023-10-25-210553.ips is missing)

Thank you very much! It’s a strange place to crash: when marking the project as having changes, the window icon should get a small dot. Telling MacOS to do that crashes. We’ll check it out and report back here.

I put this into a different topic since the old topic said ‘Solved’ and this new issue is still a work in progress.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hi Florian,

This is the midi outputs on 1.9.0 version, it’s different than on the 1.9.1.

I have uploaded the requested dump files, one for MacOS 14.0 and one for 14.1.
MIDITranslatorPro-2023-10-25-195023.txt (106.6 KB)
MIDITranslatorPro-2023-10-25-210553.txt (106.2 KB)

Good lucking solving the problem.

Kind regards,


This is a separate issue: in version 1.9.1, MIDI device names may change for certain devices. So, in this case, you will need to remove the check mark from ‘KN 1000’ and set it for ‘KN 1000 iRig MIDI 2’ (once we’ve fixed the crash…). We have modified the scheme for assembling the MIDI device name to be more consistent with multi-port MIDI devices.

Hi Theo,
because we couldn’t reproduce your crash when selecting the MIDI port (on different computers, on MacOS 13, 14.0 and 14.1), I’ve slightly changed the code that crashed and safeguarded it somewhat. Maybe it fixes the crash? You can try it here:
Bome MIDI Translator Pro 1.9.1 beta build 1059 – expired November 25, 2023

Thanks a lot!

Hi Florian,

This build solves the problem of crashing when selecting the MIDI ports.

Kind regards,

Hi Theo, excellent! Thank you very much for testing. We’ll release this version then.

I had a similar issue MidiTranslator Pro was constantly crashing on my Mac when selecting Midi ins an outs. I could solve it with the beta build 1059 which has been shared in this thread. Any idea when this build will be officially released?

Hi Stephan, thanks for reporting, that’s great to hear! We’ll release a new version soon and report it here.

Hi, we’ve just released the update 1.9.1 build 1060 with the improvements discussed in this thread:

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