Hi, I’m already using the MIDI controllers connected to my PC also
with my Mac, thanks to Bome Network Pro, but, since on PC most MIDI ports are not multi-client, while I use the controllers on the Mac I don’t open any MIDI software on the PC. Today I bought the Unlimited Named MIDI Ports extension because on another forum post I made a while ago I understood that I could duplicate the MIDI stream coming from a controller connected to the PC to a Virtual Port that I could use on my Mac, but I’m not able to do so. I thought that, for duplicating a MIDI stream the only thing to do was to create a Virtual MIDI port and then connect Bone Network on the Mac to these virtual MIDI ports but that doesn’t seem to work. This screenshot show what I tried to do on the PC with the intent of duplicating the MIDI stream, but it doesn’t work
Thanks in advance for any help
An example of sending the same input to 3 different virtual ports (Splitter).
IN: Physical Controller → OUT: MyPort1 Virtual Out
IN: Physical Controller → OUT: MyPort2 Virtual Out
IN: Physical Controller → OUT: MyPort3 Virtual Out
No need to do any IN: to OUT: In this case as we can tie directly to the OUT endpoint and the use that as the Input to other devices or DAWs.
Since Bome Network is the input source for the Physical Controller, it can open it once and duplicate the message to the other endpoings.
I hope this clears things up.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
What I’m trying to do is having a controller on the PC send MIDI to a parallel clone port the I can open on my Mac while not opening the original port for the controller so it remains available to use on the PC. I’ve tried to do this and created a virtual MIDI port on the PC (NNC )where I’ve routed the controller (Nuances MIDI controller). On the Mac if I connect to the NNC port I receive nothing, to receive the MIDI I have to open the original port of the controller, but then the controller is no more available to MIDI software on the PC
On Windows, any given port can be opened by one and one only application or device at any given time. Since Bome Network, is an application, once Bome Network opens the physical port, it will not be available to any other application, however you can create routes to other created virtual ports and use them instead.
For instance, I have the following routes, set on my PC from my FaderFox EC4 controller. I can now use any of the virtual ports (and even create more for use for other applications as needed) to capture MIDI data from my EC4 controller. However since Bome Network as opened the EC4 physical port, no other application will have access to it. You must use one of the virtual ports for use with any applications or devices that you want to route to.
Now if some other application is taking over your controller port, shut it down and ensure Bome Network opens the physical port first (first come first serve). Then direct your application to take input from one of the virtual ports.
For you it would likely look like this. The Nuances route looks fine so is not illustrated below:
You can then use applications to access any 2 of the above Virtual Ports as inputs.
The below path will let you send MIDI back from one application to your controller.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
I just tested this but am running LoopMIDI virtual ports as physical ports and it didn’t work. LoopMIDI may be different in how to handle things. Are you also using LoopMIDI?
Using LoopMIDI as the non Bome Network ports, I had to do this.
Sending this with Bome SendSX
I got this in MT Pro:
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Interesting, after re-starting Bome Network the first routes worked just fine. It must have to do with how Bome Network recognizes loopMIDI ports.
I can’t get it to work. If I make a virtual port om the PC and then route a controller to it, like I did for example with the Nuances Controller, and I try to open this port on the Mac (the virtual one, not the controller physical one) I get no data from it. I have LoopMIDI installed on the PC, but I think it has nothing to do with this situation, the controller I’m trying to share are physically connected to the PC and are not addressing any LoopMIDI ports
Hi, sorry you are having trouble! I’m sure with a little bit of though I can help you.
First of all, I assume you have Bome Network Pro in addition to unlimited MIDI ports, right? There is no MIDI communications between computers unless you have the “Pro” edition. computers or BomeBoxes and iOS devices.
If I understand correctly you want to connect a physical device to your PC and then have a local PC application access that device and also send a copy of the data from your PC to your Mac, is this correct? Like below.
Physical Device → PC → Virtual1 → DAW
+ Virtual 2 → Mac → Application
On PC the routing would look like this
IN: Physical Device → OUT Virtual1
IN: Physical Device → IN: Virtual2
On the Mac, you would use Remote MIDI Direct and enable Virtual 2 for remote access
It would show as PCName: Virtual2 in the remote MIDI direct window as a MIDI input port on your Mac. If you want to give it your own name, you would need to create another virtual Port on your Mac and route as follows:
IN: PCName:Virtual2 → OUT: MyMacName
Then your application would be able to monitor MyMacName instead of the Remote MIDI Direct Port Name.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Note, in order to do and IN: to IN: routing, you will need to turn the advanced router on. This can be found by pressing the gear ICON
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Yes, I’m using Bome Network Pro and it works now, thanks a lot!!!
So it seems that I was making 2 mistakes:
- I was using the physical device port with the PC DAW while in your example you’re using one of 2 virtual ports; does this means that if Bome Network pro is duplicating a physical MIDI port with a virtual connection this physical MIDI port is not available directly to another software on the same PC?
- I didn’t thought of making a virtual connection from IN physical to IN Virtual, and I presume this is the most important one for splitting the MIDI messages coming from a controller connected to the computer.
Since I have a lot of physical and virtual port on both computers it would be nice if Bome Network Pro could save presets of what ports are open for each connected devices, so the user could switch between 2 or more scenarios, but I’m very happy now, I didn’t think it could be done until I discovered Bome Network Pro, thanks again
Correct, only one application or device can open a given MIDI port at a given time on PC. That is why you needed to create 2 duplicates and since Bome Network is an application, it uses the original port.
Yes, virtual ports in Bome Network are ‘end points’. Sometimes more advanced routing technics are needed to get things to work.
Sometimes, for me it is difficult to discern whether to use an IN port or an OUT port in routing depending on the device type and it takes a little bit of experimentation. I have to admit that I don’t have my head completely wrapped around this and usually have to experiment myself prior to answering questions. Also sometimes there is more than one way to solve the same problem.
It seems that physical ports, loopMIDI ports, and network ports, seem to all behave a bit differently when making routes.
Yes, I’ve made this request as well. Right now the settings file is located in ‘%APPDATA%\Bome’ and called ‘BomeNet.bmts’.
Right now if I want to change a configuration:
- Shut Down BomeNetwork
- Rename ‘BomeNet.bmts’ to something else
- Restart BomeNet.bmts
Note there are several Backup files in that folder as well and I don’t remember if I need to delete them as well.
When you start Bome Network again, you end up with a clean slate.
I know it is a pain and a workaround, which is why I also made this request and it is in the queue to be worked on.
Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care
Also available for paid consulting services: bome@sniz.biz
Yes you do need to delete them as well. That’s the main purpose of the back files: if the settings file got deleted or corrupted (which we have seen on very rare occasions), Bome Network will use the last known configuration.
Yes, but there is another (advanced) trick! I realized it would make a nice entry into the Tips & Tricks section of this forum, so I added this forum post:
Nice, so you start the copy of Bome Network Executable to match the name of the configuration file you want to use.
Thanks a lot Florian, that’s a great workaround!
For now I only need two settings so it’s also pretty easy to setup