Liaison midi entre deux applications distantes (PC1=virtual dj et PC2 =daslight 5)

Je dispose de deux applications installées sur 2 PC différents. Je souhaiterais synchroniser les shows lumineux à l’aide de la MIDI Clock Output de l’application ‘virtual dj’.
Je dispose des logiciels suivants : Bome MIDI translator pro et Bome network pro.
Lorsque j’utilise Bome network pro les 2 PC sont reconnus et connectés.
L’application daslight reconnait bien le pc distant et je peux sélectionner la MIDI clock.
Par contre l’application virtual dj reconnait également le PC distant mais la sélection de la MIDI clock est absente.
Donc la synchronisation ne peux s’éffectuer.
L’application Bome network pro est elle adaptée pour cette fonction?
Dois je utiliser plutôt l’application Bome MIDI translator pro si oui pouvez vous m’aider à réaliser cette connection MIDI?

Hi and welcome to the Bome community!

I’m not able to reproduce this issues with standard Bome Virtual Ports, however if I try to send timing clock over the network using loopMIDI it doesn’t seem to work. Are you using any other type of virtual port besides Bome Virtual Ports?

If so, I would suggest you send MIDI clock over the main network port (the port name of your remote computer).

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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En effet jusqu’à présent j’utilisais Copperlan et cela fonctionnait très bien en utilisant une liaison ethernet entre les 2 PC . Les deux applications se synchronisent bien.
Par contre lorsque j’ai voulu rajouter une autre application (Quickshow) avec un APCmini un conflit est apparu avec Copperlan c’est pour cela que j’ai utilisé Bome en pensant resoudre ce conflit.
PS: copperlan a été désinstallé entièrement sur les 2 PC.
Je suis quand même décu si Bome est incompatible avec ma configuration.

I’m still checking into it to see what might be going on. I think it should work fine. Could you provide screen shots of how you have your ports configured on both systems?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Configuration avec Bome network pro sur PC lumière et pc lumière
Config bome network pro PC Audioet lumière.docx (320.9 KB)

Hi again, I’m not quite sure I understand what you are doing. You want the Virtual DJ application to supply MIDI clock to Daslight which is happening. However you say that you are not receiving clock into Virtual DJ but that makes no sense to me as it should be generating, but not receiving clock. Are you trying to send MIDI clock from Virtual DJ back to Virtual DJ itself. I came up with this diagram but it is incomplete if you are looking for MIDI clock somewhere else. You should not need to send MIDI clock back to Virtual DJ if it is the clock source. Is there a different clock source?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Bonjour ,effectivement j’ai du mal à me faire comprendre ,pour cela je vous fais parvenir une configuration réalisée avec Copperlan Manager qui fonctionne trè bien .
Pouuvez vous faire la même chose avec Bome network ou Bome midi translator?
config réalisée avec Copperlan Manager.docx (427.2 KB)

Thanks for this, so the issue is that you can select MIDI clock as input on DasLight but you cannot select MIDI clock for output of Virtual DJ for the Bome Network MIDI device?

What version of VirtualDJ do you have and how do you have it licensed?

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

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Hi again,

I think I was able to reproduce the issue. Apparently there is some sort of issue with VirtualDJ and any Bome Virtual Port. VirtualDJ sees the port but does not show a MIDI Clock selection. I’m asking development to look into it further to see if they think it is a VirtualDJ issue.

I was able to get this working on my system using LoopMIDI in conjunction with Bome Network

PC Audio (With Virtual DJ) - Send Clock output to LoopMIDI port
PC Lumière (Receiving clock) - Use Remote Direct MIDI PC Audio: LoopMIDI Port
In the below diagram ‘PC Audio’ Shows as ‘Steve-HP-Pavillion’.


Then in Daslight select as input ‘PC Audio:LoopMIDI’.

This should work at least until we figure out why VirtualDJ does not show a pulldown for MIDI Clock Output on Bome Virtual Ports. I suspect that Virtual DJ expects the ports to be USB port and perhaps LoopMIDI is emulating USB ports where Bome MIDI ports are not emulation USB ports.

I suspect that this is really an issue with Virtual DJ as I’ve seen other posts with similar issues that were solved with either LoopMIDI or LoopBE.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

An update from my last post.

I loaded Daslight and it did not like the Remote Direct MIDI LoopMIDI Port for incoming clock. So instead on PC Audio, I created a route from LoopMIDI to My Main Bome Network Port ‘PC Lumiere’ which I have named ‘Steve-Gaming’ and then on the other PC (PC Lumiere) , I just take MIDI from the main network port which for you would be PC Audio and For me it is called Steve-HP-Pavillion.

Here is the route I created.

Then I disabled the Remote Direct MIDI port.

So the picture now looks like this.

Again, I believe the root issues is with Virtual DJ and the way it handles MIDI ports for now this is a work-around for the issue.

Steve Caldwell
Bome Customer Care

Also available for paid consulting services:

Bonjour ,
merçi d’essayer de comprendre et de résoudre mon problème de liaison MIDI.
Pour répondre à votre demande ,j’utilise la version V2023 b7572 avec une license “virtualDJ PRO infinity”.
Daslight5 est également sous license avec un abonnement annuel.

We’ll contact Virtual DJ and report this issue.

Bonjour ,
Virtual Dj a procédé à une mise à jour : Fix Bome virtual midi cable not showing midi clock output option.
Depuis cette mise à jour les ‘BPM’ de virtual dj sont bien synchronisés avec les shows de lumière de Daslight 5.
Merci de votre aide ;

Yes, we’ve worked with them to fix it, and we’d been able to test with a pre-release version.
Great that it’s already available!

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